Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Pirate Boy!

This cake was for the son of one of my "regulars" (strange to think I have a regular customer, but I do!).  The plastic can be ordered online and comes with instructions on how to create the cake and assemble everything.  This is something I believe anyone could tackle if you follow a few basic, helpful hints:
1. If you don't already have one, get a flat icing spatula.
2. Be generous with the icing when starting out.  You can always take some off, its much more frustrating to try and add icing.
3. Freeze the cake.  Bake that evening, let it cool, wrap with plastic wrap and freeze it over night, that's enough time.  You just want the cake to be easy to cut into the desired shape.  It also helps minimize crumbs while icing.  Trust me, the short freezing time will not ruin the flavor or texture of your cake.
4. And last, don't be afraid of a piping bag.  It doesn't have to be perfect, this is food...its going to be eaten.  And since this particular cake is for kids, its a great idea to get the basic cake frosted and then let the kids decorate the ship!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

These little mini's are the perfect treat for your sweetheart!